How to Purchase GNSRA Publications
GNSRA is a registered charity no. SC050156  :  Website v3.20  ©1999 to 2025 GNSRA
1. GNSRA publications may be bought via email (paying by bank transfer). 2. Alternatively, GNSRA publications may be bought via post (paying by bank transfer or cheque). 3. In either case, please click here to download the order form. 4. See order form for methods of payment.
If you have a printer:- please print both sides of the order form and complete it according to the instructions it contains. send the form to GNSRA by letter post and pay either by bank transfer or by including your cheque in your letter.
If you have a printer and a scanner:- you may prefer to send a scan of the completed order form by email to GNSRA please pay GNSRA by bank transfer
If you have neither printer nor scanner:- you may simply write to GNSRA by letter post, quoting the relevant information (from the order form) and paying GNSRA either by bank transfer or by including your cheque in your letter.